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Professional Services

Review Some of Our Areas of Expertise

Fire & EMS Organization
Fire & EMS Organization

MAG is a key partner is identifying staffing, equipment and service needs of both career and volunteer departments. MAG staff has assisted Fire and EMS Departments both internally as well as assisting in developing interlocal agreements. MAG has worked with both fire departments and Districts in developing five, ten and twenty year service plans...

Compensation & Classification
Compensation & Classification

Law Enforcement

& Corrections Review Planning

The complexity of the role of the law enforcement and corrections professionals has exploded in the last ten years, challenging the best run departments and agencies to face not only more typical local service demands...

Law Enforcement
& Corrections Review Planning
Staffing Analysis & Strategic Planning
Staffing Analysis & Strategic Planning

There are different challenges in determining staffing in the public and public/private organizations as compared to the private sector. With over twenty-five years of experience...

Organizational Structure Review

Having the right people to do the right job in the right place is a continuing test of public sector service delivery. While staffing can be a “bottom up” exercise, organizational review is most often a “top down” review of executive leadership, structure...

Organizational Structure Review
Performance Manager ©
Performance Manager ©

Almost all supervisors recognize good performance, but being able to document and reward performance based on valid and accepted standards in the public sector can be difficult. MAG is developing software, available in 2019...

Job Profile 
Questionnaire © 
Job Profile 
Questionnaire © 
Class Descriptions

MAG can provide new, updated and revised Class Descriptions as a part of an overall compensation and classification study, or as a “stand alone” delivery. Our services range from a comprehensive re-write based on original input from employees and supervisors to a more measured update of existing descriptions in a user friendly format. work performed...

Class Descriptions
Fire & EMS
Compensation & Classificaton
Law Enforcement & Corrections
Staffing Analysis
Performance MGT Systems
Organizational Structure Revie
Class Descriptions
Job Profile Questionnaire
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