Law Enforcement
& Corrections Review Planning
The complexity of the role of the law enforcement and corrections professionals has exploded in the last ten years, challenging the best run departments and agencies to face not only more typical local service demands but those that historically would seem to be atypical such as terrorism, immigration, civilian unrest, increased scrutiny from car and body camera as well as public oversight and video recording of police interactions. All of this has changed the profile of policing as well as detention/corrections. Compounded demands for professional credentialing, real or perceived increased risk and increased challenges in the work have resulted in recruitment and retention pressures at every employment level from the States to the local agencies.
Our extensive experience in Law Enforcement and Corrections Services includes not only maintaining a competitive compensation posture but also a unique approach and understanding of the changing terrain of the law enforcement environment. MAG has assisted score of Fire and Police and Law Enforcement and Corrections agencies all across America in preparing for the increasing service demands and responding to citizens needs. Both Fire and Law Enforcement agencies are responding to increases not only in the numbers of service calls but to much broader service demands in both scope and complexity. MAG has successfully served scores of Fire and Emergency Services Departments in meeting increasing service demand through equipment and apparatus review, station location, staffing and providing perspective to help re-think creative service delivery options. Support for Law Enforcement and Correction agencies includes, staffing, lost time analysis and organization structure to support rapidly changing needs of the service population.