Fire and EMS Organization
MAG is a key partner is identifying staffing, equipment and service needs of both career and volunteer departments. MAG staff has assisted Fire and EMS Departments both internally as well as assisting in developing interlocal agreements. MAG has worked with both fire departments and Districts in developing five, ten and twenty year service plans.
Fire and EMS life safety concerns are in the forefront of a rapidly changing profile of professional demands. There continues to be a surging demand in the U.S. for pre-hospital emergency medical services. The US emergency medical services use is expected to reach $15 billion dollars by 2025. Fire Departments account for the largest share of pre-hospital emergency medical treatments. This can range from resuscitation, first medical response and trauma to obstetrics. Increasing pressure exists on Fire Departments to provide multiple service response to both Fire suppression, protection and inspection as well as pre-hospital medical and transport needs. Currently over a million firefighters are engaged in providing with both career (30%) and volunteer (70%) services through 30,000 departments. MAG’s professional approach to working with fire and EMS departments including a network of consulting professional who form a partnership to define service needs, organization design, staffing and equipment review with our professional partners at the local level.
Our extensive experience in Law Enforcement and Corrections Services includes not only maintaining a competitive compensation posture but also a unique approach and understanding of the changing terrain of the law enforcement environment. MAG has assisted score of Fire and Police and Law Enforcement and Corrections agencies all across America in preparing for the increasing service demands and responding to citizens needs. Both Fire and Law Enforcement agencies are responding to increases not only in the numbers of service calls but to much broader service demands in both scope and complexity. MAG has successfully served scores of Fire and Emergency Services Departments in meeting increasing service demand through equipment and apparatus review, station location, staffing and providing perspective to help re-think creative service delivery options. Support for Law Enforcement and Correction agencies includes, staffing, lost time analysis and organization structure to support rapidly changing needs of the service population.